Volleyball Canada works closely with Provincial and Territorial Associations (PTAs) to develop the sport of volleyball across Canada.
Provincial and Territorial Associations
Volleyball Alberta
www.volleyballalberta.ca- 11759 Groat Road,
- Edmonton, AB, T5M 3K6
- T : (780) 415-1703
- F : (780) 415-1700
- E : info@volleyballalberta.ca
- President Bruce Edwards
- Executive Director Diane Clarke

Volleyball BC
www.volleyballbc.org- Harry Jerome Sports Centre, 7564 Barnet Highway,
- Burnaby, BC, V5A 1E7
- T : (604) 291-2007
- F : (604) 291-2602
- E : contact@volleyballbc.ca
- President Doramy Ehling
- Executive Director Emma Gibbons

Volleyball Manitoba
www.volleyballmanitoba.ca- 412-145 Pacific Avenue,
- Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2Z6
- T : (204) 925-5783
- F : (204) 925-5786
- E : volleyball.ed@sportmanitoba.ca
- President Roger Labossiere
- Executive Director John Blacher

Volleyball New Brunswick
volleyballnb.org- 900 Hanwell Rd, unit 13,
- Fredericton, NB, E3B 6A3
- T : (506) 451-1346
- F : (506) 451-1325
- E : michaela.allaby@volleyballnb.org
- President Randy Wilson
- Executive Director Michaela Allaby

Newfoundland and Labrador Volleyball
nlva.net- P.O. Box 21248,
- St. John’s, NF, A1A 5B2
- T : (709) 576-0817
- F : (709) 576-7493
- E : nlvaruss@sportnl.ca
- President Eric Hiscock
- Executive Director Russell Jackson

Volleyball Nova Scotia
volleyballnovascotia.ca- 5516 Spring Garden Rd.,
- Halifax, NS, B3J 3G6
- T : (902) 425-5450
- F : (902) 425-5606
- E : vns@sportnovascotia.ca
- President Paul Worden
- Executive Director Jason Trepanier

Ontario Volleyball Association
www.ontariovolleyball.org- 60 Scarsdale Rd, Unit#111,
- Toronto, ON, M3B 2R7
- T : (416) 426-7316
- F : (416) 426-7109
- E : info@ontariovolleyball.org
- President Katie Hutchinson
- Executive Director Jo-Anne Ljubicic

Volleyball PEI
site2653.goalline.ca- Box 302,
- Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7K7
- T : (902) 569-0583
- F : (902) 368-4548
- E : cgcrozier@sportpei.pe.ca
- President Margo Robertson
- Executive Director Cheryl Crozier

Volleyball Quebec
www.volleyball.qc.ca- 7665 Bd Lacordaire, Montréal, QC ,
- Montreal, QC, H1S 2A7
- T : (514) 252-3065
- F : (514) 252-3176
- E : info@volleyball.qc.ca
- President Guillaume Savard
- Executive Director Guillaume Proulx Goulet

Sask Volleyball
www.saskvolleyball.ca- 1750 McAra Street,
- Regina, SK, S4N 6L4
- T : (306) 780-9250
- F : (306) 780-9288
- E : aaron@saskvolleyball.ca
- President Cory Gratton
- Executive Director Aaron Demyen

NWT Volleyball Association
www.volleyballnt.ca/- Sport North Federation, Box 11089, 4908 49 Street,
- Yellowknife, NT, X1A 3X7
- T : (867) 445-6421
- E : nwtvolleyball.nrs@gmail.com
- President Abe Theil
- Executive Director Rami Ayache

Volleyball Nunavut
www.volleyballnunavut.ca- NCC Bldg. Box 440, Baker Lake,
- Nunavut, NU, X0C 0A0
- T : (867) 793-3301
- F : (867) 793-3321
- E : scott@volleyballnunavut.ca
- President Jill Billingham
- Executive Director Scott Schutz

Volleyball Yukon
www.volleyballyukon.com- 4061 – 4th Avenue,
- Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 1H1
- T : (867) 335-5757
- E : info@volleyballyukon.com
- Vice President Ken Howard
- Executive Director Conlan Wilson